Friday, May 28, 2010

Happy Things...

I've had a lot of things get me down this week, most of them have made me just clamp my teeth and try to grin and bear it (like unexpectedly having to shell out for new tires on our car in order to pass state inspection. sigh. don't get me started.)

I realized I haven't posted on here recently, and that's mostly just because life has gotten busy. Don't worry, there will be catch-up posts on the things I've been working on (Hints: Office, Portraits...). For now though, I'd just like to talk about things that make me happy:

Seen this show? It's from across the pond, and even though I've seen all three seasons before, I recently revisited them and probably laughed just as hard as the first time through. Maybe it's because I married a nerd and I can totally relate in a way that I probably couldn't before. You can rent it through Netflix.

Sleep. Really good quality, dream inducing, wow-I-just-slept-for-an-ungodly-amount-of-hours-but-it-was-worth-every-second sleep. Arthur and I collectively have been suffering from a head cold for about the last month. Seriously, nothing is better than sleeping and not being interrupted by coughing, hacking, sniffling, aching or shivering. I'm so grateful for good health. (Also, I'm not a fan of beds with curtains, but I really like those in that picture!)

People who happily listen to what I have to say, and thank me for my suggestions. There was a woman at the salon the other day who is planning a wedding for her daughter and was happy to discuss the finer points of flowers, color schemes, and good cake with me. I felt so validated. Our friend Justin also does this every time we come over-- he asks what I think of what they've done with the decor in their home (they just moved into a brand new house) and I feel so important! It's nice to have people like your opinions and trust what you say. I'm not so brazen as to start another blog about what I think is important, (I'm not that arrogant) it's just nice to feel the perk of being appreciated once and awhile.

My wonderful husband. Just today he brought home a hey cupcake! just to cheer me up. He's the one who can make me laugh no matter how I'm feeling and encourage me to follow my dreams and live up to my potential. He's my best asset and I'd be lost without him. Love Love Love him.

The gospel of Jesus Christ. I don't talk much about faith on my blog, I'm not sure why, but I'm truly grateful for the hand of the Lord in my life. When I'm feeling lost or confused or frustrated, I love that I'm able to get down on my knees, pour out my heart in prayer, and know that He hears me. It's the biggest greatest blessing I have in my life, and it makes me so happy.

Those are just a few things that make me happy. There's plenty more, but this would be a long and tedious blog post if  I listed them all. (Isn't that what happens when you start counting your blessings?)

1 comment:

  1. It's important to think about the stuff that makes us happy, especially when we've got a lot of stuff to bring us down.

    Plus, I can't wait for the new IT Crowd season, too. I also downloaded the first three season to rewatch in anticipation of it.
