Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The state of bedding today...

While browsing around last night, looking for new pillow shams (ours are in a sad state, and no one ever told me that in marriage, your husband would insist on strange things like sleeping on the pillow shams) I came across a wide variety of bedding, most of which made my eyes want to leave their sockets and hit the ground seeking shelter.

For example:

Romantic isn't it? But on closer inspection:

Why yes, someone has sewn toilet paper into bows on a duvet. This is the kind of thing I'd pay $268.00 for.

I was going to show you some more hideous bedding like this one, that I swear my mother had circa 1990.
Or this one, that any self-respecting man would sleep in.

But this one, takes the cake. Because what person wouldn't want a picture of a girl on their bed?

Classy, just classy.


  1. It might also be the face that you're looking at Urban Outfitters......... just sayin.

  2. Dude... that first one is from anthropolgie. No accounting for taste is what I'm saying.

    Also, I'm calling you this afternoon/tonight. I finished Mockingjay!
