Tuesday, September 6, 2011

the decision: gluten free and me

So earlier this year, Arthur and I went on this diet called the paleo diet or the paleo solution. Or in other words, the caveman diet. Eat like a caveman-- basically vegetables and meat. We ate a lot of guacamole and rotisserie chicken. And it lasted about three weeks.

The first time we cheated on this diet, we both had rushed home to feed the missionaries and ordered a pizza. I had a piece. And about an hour later-- I sat on the couch, clutching my stomach thinking, "I am going to die."

That experience put the idea in my head: maybe, just maybe I was allergic to something I had eaten. The contents of pizza aren't that rare or unique-- I started paying attention as I ate things: what made me feel good? What made me feel bad? Even though I had an idea as to what I was allergic to most of this summer, I just didn't want to face facts-- it would require a major life change.

But then towards the end of July, I had to go to the doctor. I've been facing some major hormonal issues lately and even though we don't have health insurance, I've been so frustrated that I felt I needed to go to the doctor. (if you're really curious as to what's going on, shoot me a message, I'll tell you.) and it was at the doctor that I was told for the first time ever, you have to lose weight and get in shape.

So I figured, what better time to test my food allergy? At the beginning of August, I stopped eating anything with wheat in it.

Why wheat? Well, if we go back to the pizza incident-- I hardly ever ate pepperoni. Cheese and other dairy never bothered me. I liked the taste of tomatoes and other fruit. What was left was the crust.

And for the rest of the summer, I took mental notes every time I ate something with wheat in it. And the result? Cranky, tired, sluggish, bloated, angry Jessica. Every. Single. Time.

So, after the doc laid down the law, I figured, why not try it out? And so I started to eat gluten free.

Changed my life!

I can't tell you what a difference I feel-- I haven't had this much energy in years. Literally the words, "I'm tired," have been coming out of my mouth 3 to 4 times a day since I was eighteen, no matter how much rest I had gotten or how much diet coke I had pumped into my system.

And you know what? It's not that hard to do, that is eat gluten free. Once you have a slip up and eat something with gluten in it once, and then an hour later, double over in pain, you avoid gluten like the plague. I don't ever feel tempted to eat cookies, or cake or ice cream. (yes, lots of different types of ice cream have wheat products in them) Who wants a fruit bar? This girl.

It's the start of something really good for me (I can feel it) and I just wanted to share. and to prepare y'all: Any recipe I'm sharing in the future will be gluten free.

Oh and Wendy, p.s.-- I gave up diet coke. In June! Holla!


  1. I want more details about everything. Send me an email. I gave up DC too! But in July. Go us!

  2. You know, my mom was also recently diagnosed with Celiac disease, and had to go gluten-free. It was tough for her at first (she also had to go dairy free for a while at first, so it was extra hard), but she's gotten really used to it.

    Just don't go to Double Dave's. Another celiac friend of mine told me that literally nothing there is gluten-free.
